If you’re getting prank calls or if you find a number on you caller identification that you don’t recognize, you probably want to find out who is behind that number. The good news is that finding the owner of a phone number is easier than you might think with Reverse Phone Detective!
As long as you have the area code and the seven digit number, you should be able to locate any number’s owner, if you know where to look.
Searching For That Number
Your first stop should be a free reverse phone number directory. Plenty of them are available on the Internet. At the site, you’ll enter the entire number including the area code and hit “Search.” If the number is a published land line, you should get the information you want, including the name of the owner and the entire address of the owner.
If you’re lucky enough to get results, then your search can stop there. In most cases, you’ll need to try a slightly different approach.
Usually, the reason you’ll run into problems is that the number belongs to a cell phone. Because there is no central database of cell phone numbers, free reverse phone directories cannot return information on those numbers. You also won’t be able to get information on landline numbers that are unlisted or non-published.
Don’t bother trying multiple reverse phone directories in order to find the owner of a phone number, either. Most use the same databases, so if you don’t score results at one then you won’t fare any better at another site.
Find a Phone Number Owner – With Reverse Phone Detective
Instead, you may have to use a paid site. For a reasonable fee, you can access all of the information you need about the owner of a phone number using Reverse Phone Detective. Our database gives you accurate, up-to-date information using both land line and cell phone searches.
Our exclusive database includes broad coverage of the entire United States – with better results than you’ll find at most other sites. We also give you free search assistance, access to expanded people search databases, and more.
In addition, we also give you a 100%, ironclad guarantee – if you don’t get results, you don’t pay. It’s a no-brainer!
To use Reverse Phone Detectives’ reverse lookup service, you will pay a fee which gives you an unlimited number of searches inside the members’ area, plus a premium full phone report. After you sign up, just enter the phone number you want to find, click “Search,” and you’ll have your information. It’s that easy!
Click Here! to visit Reverse Phone Detective now!
Most people don't realise that you can legally and quite easily do a reverse phone number lookup on line and get the name, address and other information relating to that strange missed cell phone number appearing on your phone, with a reverse phone directory you can take out the worry of phoning people back and "you" will be able to pick who you want to talk to. Government records .com is the easy way for you to find information fast about any person that has called your home or phoned you or if you find strange phone numbers in your spouses phone and you're worried that your partner is cheating on you then having access to this service will be invaluable two you.

What exactly can you reverse lookup?Well, the first thing you can do is look up phone numbers using a reverse phone look up service or in other words a reverse cell phone directory. the second thing you can do is look up names of people and run background checks on them. in fact there is a huge amount of government records that you can have access to, and for a small subscription you can find information like death records, marriage records even criminal and sex offender records for people in your search area. A typical search of a cell phone number leads you to the name and address of the person who owns the mobile phone, then with that information you can do a different search and check for any arrest or criminal records associated with that name or even if the person is on the sex offenders list. other information you will get are their marriage or divorce records, military records, business information including bankruptcy records and judgment files. The reverse records look up service I would recommend as the one to use would be government records.com this site is the new kid on the block when it comes to finding information on people and they use the latest search software to assess a truly mind blowing amount of information check out their site here and amaze yourself.

Here are the top three sites I recomend....
  1. Archives.com..                          "My number one choice!"
  2. Public Records Pro. ..              "Second choice".
  3. Government registry on line. .. "My third choice".

R Cantrell.

Simply enter a phone number you want to track in the search box above and you will instantly get all the details associated with that number. Enter a phone number right now & click on search



Could You Spot the Subtle Signs of Infidelity?

Would you be able to cope with the news that your spouse, the person you trust more than anyone else in the whole world, is having an affair with someone? So what are the chances of your spouse cheating on you? The sad fact is that up to 93% of couples will have some type of an extramarital affair in their lifetime; it is even considered fashionable these days to cheat on your spouse! There are books and websites that offer important information on how to have an affair like what not to do to get caught etc, so with wandering partners now armed with all this advice it is getting harder to catch them out, but some things can still give them away. So what are the signs to look for if you suspect that your significant other is having an affair?
1.Your spouse suddenly goes from depression to having the joys of spring.
2.Takes a much greater interest in personal hygiene.
3.Won't let you look at wallet, handbag or mobile phone.
4.Starts buying new clothes.
5.Forgets to wear their wedding ring.
6.Caring about how their breath smells, starts chewing gum, cleaning teeth more etc.
7.They always insist on answering the phone.
8.Talking on the phone more in private and then is secretive about who it was.
9.Your gut feeling, this is probably one of the best ways to suspect something is wrong.
10.Late night phone calls from "work colleagues".
11.Working late or sudden meetings at strange times.
12.They may be uncontactable when they're out or at work.
13.They may talk about one person all the time.
14.Sometimes they can say a wrong name when they talk to you.
15.Receives and sends text messages at all times of the day and night.
16.Starts losing weight and going to the gym.
17.Your spouse encourages you to go out more on your own.
18.They now have a new circle of friends who you never meet.
19.Gets rid of the paper trail like shredding credit card statements etc.

These are just a few things you should look out for, of course any or all of the circumstances mentioned above does not necessarily mean your spouse is having an affair but if you get a gut feeling then you could be right. One thing you could do is you could hire a private detective or even better and more cost effective if you can get hold of a phone number or name you can use these to obtain the information you want. Another way to deal with this is to ignore it altogether and hope it was all in your mind, but just by simply using the reverse phone number look up, you can obtain the name and other information of the caller and by getting this information you could prove that your spouse is completely innocent and this easily obtained information will most definitely put your mind at rest.

Copyright R Cantrell 09